{ "name": "RM Photography", "short_name": "RM Clicks", "description": "Our want for your photos is that they leave you with affable recollections and all the feeling that sends chills down your chine and goose bumps down your arms. we're passionate about every frame, and our crew works extremely hard to insure that you treasure your big day for a long time with their professional marriage photography, we've always liked being a part of a unique indian marriage, and we can not stay to be a part of yours! \nfor us, a marriage is not only about traditions, what the family wants, or a series of posed prints with strange lighting goods; it's each about you. the geography of indian marriage photography and videography has evolved from simple content to thematic talkie- style marriage vids and compendiums . our marriage shutterbugs and photographers concentrate on delivering simple marriage stories that are innovative yet extraordinary, while maintaining our hand fun and out- beat candid style videography. we wish to validate your marriage in a ultramodern marriage photography style, landing feelings, real moments, small, invisible moments, and you as you're in everyday life, true and undisguised. our candid marriage photography vids are knitter- made for your big day and impeccably round your customized marriage compendiums , using the veritably rearmost and topmost technology presently available on the request. we want to be there as silent substantiations and musketeers who delight and celebrate with you at your marriage.\nwe give a service for : \nbaby birthday shoot, \nmerriage ceremony,\nreception shoot, \ncouple shoot, \nproduct shoot,\nfashion shoot,\nand \nsports & events.", "prefer_related_applications": true, "related_applications": [ { "platform": "play", "url": "https:\/\/play.google.com\/store\/apps\/details?id=in.photomall.app.client", "id": "in.photomall.app.client" } ], "start_url": "..\/..\/", "display": "standalone", "background_color": "#176569", "theme_color": "#ffffff", "orientation": "portrait-primary", "icons": [ { "src": "https:\/\/cdn.photomall.in\/photomall\/studio-icon-pkogtqfb_192", "sizes": "192x192", "type": "image\/png" }, { "src": "https:\/\/cdn.photomall.in\/photomall\/studio-icon-pkogtqfb", "sizes": "512x512", "type": "image\/png" } ] }